Professor John Creedy and Professor Norman Gemmell appointed to new Treasury panel

Professor John Creedy and Professor Norman Gemmell have been appointed to a new panel established by the Treasury to test its analysis of the Crown's long-term financial challenges...

Professor John Creedy and Professor Norman Gemmell have been appointed to a new panel established by the Treasury to test its analysis of the Crown's long-term financial challenges.

This independent external panel of independent experts has been set up to help ensure that the Treasury’s next Statement on the Long-term Fiscal Position is robust and provides a range of viable options for managing the Crown's financial position in a way which protects the interests of New Zealanders now and in the future.

Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of Commerce Professor Bob Buckle has been appointed as Chair of this new panel.

“This process draws on some of the experiences of the Tax Working Group,” says Professor Buckle, who was Chair of the Group in 2009.

“It is intended to bring together people with a range of experiences and skills to provide a challenge to Treasury and ensure it considers a range of options.”

Most members of the external panel will provide their own views and observations of key issues, options and potential trade-offs through the presentation of papers at a conference, which will be jointly hosted by Victoria University and the Treasury in December. The panel will meet monthly from August to November 2012.

Among the other appointees to the panel are two further Victoria staff: Alison O'Connell, Senior Associate, Institute of Policy Studies; and Professor Neil Quigley, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research).