Past event: The New Zealand Dividend Psyche

An overview of The New Zealand Dividend Psyche.

The Chair in Public Finance and EY present:

The New Zealand Dividend Psyche - Dividend policies and imputation

Tax has a major impact on corporate dividend policy. In-depth interviews with 25 New Zealand corporates and 12 investor groups underpin EY’s report Imputation and the New Zealand Dividend Psyche. Join us for this session covering the report’s major findings on corporate behaviours.

What drives the dividend policies of New Zealand’s largest corporates? How much does our imputation system drive pay outs? This seminar covered EY’s research – relevance, key findings, methodology, Imputation and dividend yield - how New Zealand stack-ups internationally,  and corporate, investor and policy views on the imputation system. Speakers included Andy Archer, Tax Partner at EY and report author, Matt Benge, Chief Economist at Inland Revenue and Professor Norman Gemmell, Chair in Public Finance at Victoria Business School.