Join MAI Ki Poneke

We welcome any Māori or indigenous person who is:

  • Enrolled for a PhD or is thinking about enrolling for a PhD based in Wellington and up to Otaki able to attend MAI meetings
  • We also welcome any Māori or indigenous PhD student or prospective student who:
  • would like to join a friendly network of Māori and indigenous postgraduate students for support, information and advice
  • is seeking opportunities to learn more about the doctoral research process and improve their own research skills
  • is interested in enrolling for a PhD but isn't sure how to go about it

Finally, we welcome the many Māori students studying at Universities overseas who want to use this website to keep in touch with Māori postgraduate students based in Aotearoa. Nau mai, haere mai!

Just email our Administrator Kimberley, she will send you a form and put you on our email list:

Kimberley Maxwell
School of Biological Sciences
Victoria University of Wellington
Level 5 New Kirk Building
Kelburn Parade
PO Box 600
(04) 463 5233 ext. 8138