Teach Next 2024

Teach Next is a community of students and future students who have an interest in teacher education pathways.

3.30–5 pm, 23 April, 28 May, 6 August, 10 September 2024

Wan Solwara, Kelburn Library, Kelburn Campus Wellington

Register to attend

About the events

There are four Teach Next events planned this year, including information sessions about the different teaching pathways, specific education scholarships, the teaching application process, and guest speakers.

The aim is to inform, inspire, and educate students about the teacher education programmes at the University. Each event will involve an informative aspect as well as a social aspect for students to connect with each other. 

3.30 pm—5 pm, Tuesday 23 April: Exploring Teach Next and discovering the why behind teaching.

3.30 pm—5 pm, Tuesday 28 May: How to become a teacher and why you’ll love it.

3.30 pm—5 pm, Tuesday 6 August: Guidance for your application, enrolment, and the interview process.

3.30 pm—5 pm, Tuesday 10 September: Crafting and understanding the scholarship application process.

Have you got questions?