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8  October 2021

ECE teachers essential workers in all but name

Returning to work amidst the outbreak of the Delta variant, early childhood teachers must be recognised as essential workers - and remunerated as such, writes Dr Sue Cherrington.

31 July 2020

Why there should be no place for profit in early childhood education

Associate Professor Jenny Ritchie and Child Poverty Action Group researcher Caitlin Neuwelt-Kearns write for Stuff about the effect of for-profit centres, disparities in quality, and the need for investment into public early childhood education.

12 July 2020

Time for a new funding model in ECE

Associate Professor Sue Cherrington writes for Newsroom about the exposed gaps in funding shown through COVID-19 and how it is important to be bold in the improvements to the funding model.

8 July 2020

Early learning plan ‘shovel-ready’

Professor Carmen Dalli (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington), and fellow experts, Emeritus Professor Helen May (University of Otago) and Dr Anne E Meade, write for Newsroom about the importance of early education and systemic policy infrastructure to support resilient children.

February 2020

Visit by Bhutanese teachers

Yeshi, Lalita and Tara, three preschool teachers from Rinpung Demonstration school at Paro College of Education, Bhutan have been participating in a study tour of preschools in New Zealand and in Australia in 2020. Not having travelled outside of their own country before, the aim was for them to make connections with other early childhood professionals and become part of an international network of early childhood educators. The initiative came from Dr Margaret Brooks who is a senior lecturer at the University of New England, Australia. For the past ten years she has regularly consulted with the Royal University of Bhutan and Ministry of Education on the development of Early Childhood Education in Bhutan . Also involved in supporting the tour were Dr Lisa Terreni (Victoria University of Wellington), Dr Gai Lindsay (University of Wollongong)  and Gary Bilezikian (President of Guidecraft

Their blog shows key encounters and provocations experienced by the three Bhutanese teachers during their visits to ECE centres in New Zealand and Australia:

21st PECERA Annual International Conference—Deferred to 2021

The Institute for Early Childhood Studies is delighted to be hosting the 21st Annual Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA) conference at Victoria University of Wellington.

Registrations are open now for the conference which has the theme: Visionary navigators: Advocating for children, families and early childhood education.

For more information and the latest news, check out the conference website: