2016 New Zealand Secondary School Chinese Teachers’ Forum

2016 New Zealand Secondary School Chinese Teachers’ Forum

On 2 July, the Confucius Institute at Victoria University of Wellington (CI VUW) held its first New Zealand Secondary School Chinese Teacher’s roundtable forum, jointly co-organised with the New Zealand Chinese Language Association's Wellington Branch.  CI VUW expresses gratitude to Yu Feng, a leader of the association and Chinese teacher at Wellington College, for his guidance and work on the forum.


Around 70 Chinese language teachers and Confucius Institute Mandarin Language Assistants from across New Zealand participated in the forum.  In welcoming participants and the guest presenters, CI VUW Director Wen Powles encouraged increased networking among teachers and more exchanges of ideas and knowledge about most effective ways to teach Chinese.

Professor Emeritus Paul Nation of Victoria University’s School of Linguistics and Applied Languages began the forum with a fascinating presentation on Second Language Teaching and Acquisition which explored his and other leading research on key ways to teach and learn Asian languages in particular.  Victor Bao, Chinese teacher at Dulwich College Singapore, followed with a highly useful keynote presentation on Using Chinese Stories to Improve Language Proficiency and Differentiation in Teaching Chinese and Teaching Chinese with Fun and Games, after which Yu Feng and his colleague Li Aiqun of Wellington College exchanged ideas with participants on Web-based tools for teaching and learning resources (ArchChinese, Virtual Classroom, Showbie).

Paul Nation

Paul Nation

Fu Jiwei, National Language Adviser (ILEP) at the University of Auckland spoke about the analysis and teaching of confusion words. Professor Wang Yiyan, Chinese Programme Director at Victoria University’s School of Languages and Cultures, introduced the university’s Chinese language teaching courses.  The forum closed with a very useful session by Victor Bao and Yu Feng on IB and NCEA issues.

Victor Bao

Victor Bao

Participating teachers thought highly of the content and usefulness of the forum. They are keen that such an important event should be held more often to strengthen connections among New Zealand's Chinese teachers. They had benefited from all the presentations and hoped that this Confucius Institute Chinese teachers' forum would become an annual event.




特邀嘉宾国际知名词汇学家、维大语言与应用语言学教授 Paul Nation先生作了题为“二语习得与教学”的演讲; 会议主讲人Victor Bao先生为新加坡德威国际学校资深对外汉语教师、IB考官,Victor 老师根据多年在香港、新加坡、越南等地的汉语教学经验及研究著书成果,向与会教师生动阐释“如何利用游戏使中文课堂变得更有趣”、“如何使用中文小故事等阅读材料提高学生的汉语技能”、“关于汉语分层教学的思考”等问题;惠灵顿男子高中汉语教师喻峰、李爱群分别就“如何利用网络工具制作教学及学习资源”及“虚拟教师—如何使用Showbie创建汉语学习平台”等专题与参会老师展开讨论交流。

新西兰国家汉语顾问付继伟作了汉语本体知识讲座“汉语易混淆词”,维大中文项目教授、孔院理事会成员王一燕介绍了维大中文项目的情况,最后汉语教师分别参加了Victor Bao和喻峰老师主持的IB考试和NCEA考试的最新信息和备考指南等情况分享。



