David Batchelor

David’s research produces Smart Heritage Principles that converge smart technologies with heritage within local government strategic documents and operations.

David Batchelor Architecture PhD

Smart technologies are offering local governments an array of new discourses to address increasing complexities and challenges within their jurisdictions. The discourses of Smart Infrastructure, Smart Mobility, and Smart Governance converge the autonomous decision-making capabilities with traditional government services and functions to enhance efficiencies and effectiveness. As cities increasingly become homes for a multitude of cultures, identities, and peoples, local governments can turn to smart technologies to balance the critical topic of heritage and imbue cities with meaning from the past.

David’s doctoral thesis conceptually explores the emergent Smart Heritage discourse for the first time in academic literature and produces Smart Heritage Principles that guide local government strategic documents and operations on how to deliver Smart Heritage.

He undertakes three case studies on local governments in Australia; Broken Hill City Council, the City of Melbourne, and the City of Newcastle; to understand the challenges in converging smart technologies and heritage within these organisations.

His practical work experience in urban planning and heritage guides the research and its ultimate delivery into the professional arena.


Prof Marc Aurel Schnabel and Dr Michael Dudding


Master of Urban Planning, The University of Auckland

Graduate Certificate in Commerce, Public Management, Victoria University of Wellington

Graduate Diploma in Arts, History, Victoria University of Wellington

Bachelor of Arts, Geography and Sociology, The University of Auckland


You can see a list of David's publications on his ResearchGate page.